From the jury report:
‘Green theology is a very urgent and necessary book. With good stewardship and placing an additional solar panel we won’t get by anymore.’
‘With her thorough theological research into a very topical and important theme, Van Montfoort challenges, or even more, compels a far-reaching Christian-theological reconsideration of the relationship between God, creation, nature and human beings. The book helps believers and unbelievers to read the Bible through a different lens. And that is necessary, because with good stewardship and an extra solar panel we won’t get by anymore.’
‘The book marks what is currently beginning to dawn on many, that ecology really concerns theology, that “who God is” has something to do with “how this world works.” She does this in a way that shows that theology matters in the public debate. Green theology shows that theology has to do with everything and not just with ethics.’
‘We can be grateful to Van Montfoort that she turned her original plan for writing a dissertation into a book for the general public.’
‘We can be grateful to Van Montfoort that she turned her original plan for writing a dissertation into a book for the general public. Reading her book does require a fair effort and demands quite a bit from the reader, but nobody should object to that.’ (translation: Wim Reedijk)